DEPOSED Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi is Jewish, insists an Israeli woman who claims to be his cousin.
Libyan-born Gita Boaron says that her aunt married an Arab and gave birth to two babies — one of whom was Gaddafi’s mother.
It happened after her aunt had left her first husband . . . and then converted to Islam.
Mrs Boaron told Israel Hayom newspaper: “I saw Gaddafi on a few occasions when we were growing up.
“We played together when he visited our home with his aunt Didi.
“I saw him before my family moved to Israel — He was seven and I was 13.
“He was full of joy and mischief.”
But she added that she is not expecting to hear from family members despite the recent events taking place in Libya, nor does she expect the Libyan leader to seek refuge in Israel.
“Gaddafi is a miserable person now, but I have no sympathy for him,” she warned.
“He is evil, and deserves to end his life this way. He has killed many of his own people.
“He doesn’t have a merciful heart like we Jews do, and he will pay for that in hell.”
But she said he had been a “good boy as a child”.
Mrs Boaron claimed that, until recently, contact with Gaddafi was taboo in her family.
“My father’s sister married a Muslim, which was a great embarrassment to us all,” she said.
“As leader of Libya, he was good to the Jews, and did not interfere in their affairs.
“When we came to Israel, our contact with him ended, but when we saw him on TV, we knew who it was.”