IDF has no alternative

ISRAELI prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu defiantly breathed fire and brimstone before the US Congress on Wednesday.

The response from the gathered lawmakers was not merely enthusiastic, but rapturous. Bibi and his supporters lapped it up, but sadly the thunderous and sustained applause told only half the story.

There were dozens of empty seats and many leading American politicians boycotted Netanyahu’s fourth speech to Congress, more than any other foreign leader in the assembly’s history. There is no denying that the Israeli premier’s rhetoric is impressive. Fortunately, although those present were mainly supporters of Israel, his words attracted a massive world audience on television and radio.

He mocked those displaying ‘Gays for Gaza’ banners, observing wryly: “They might as well hold up signs, Chickens for KFC.” In many Muslim countries, coming out would be like lambs to the slaughter.

This week, the IDF launched operations in Khan Younis, which had been designated a Gaza ‘humanitarian zone’, but not before warning the population to move to safer areas. Israel attracted opprobrium for its actions when it was Hamas that should have been condemned for, as usual, cynically embedding its terrorists in safe civilian areas with no regard whatsoever for the general population. In the event, the bodies of five of the hostages missing since October 7 last year were retrieved, and we have heard more horror stories from those who have been rescued, of the torture they endured at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

The joint session of Congress heard Netanyahu reiterate that October 7 was Israel’s 9/11 when “heaven turned into hell”, as 3,000 terrorists invaded the south of the country. “These monsters — they raped women, they beheaded men, they burned babies alive, killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents,” he declared.

There are still those who vilify the Jewish state for its justified and sustained response against Hamas.

While there are terrorists at large in Gaza hell bent on inflicting murder and destruction, with no intention of supporting a Palestinian state alongside Israel, or releasing the remaining hostages dead or alive, the IDF has no alternative but to continue its actions.

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