VAT means we can’t send sons to private schools

IT seems that the new Labour government is intent on levying 20 per cent VAT on private schools.

From the perspective of Jewish schools, this could not be better advertising for them with rolls dropping at most.

My family is the perfect example. My son is starting Year Six at a Jewish primary school. He is due to sit an entrance exam for a top private school next year.

My elder son is already at the school and we have had to break the news to him that in all likelihood we will be forced to enrol him elsewhere because of the additional costs involved with VAT.

My younger son knows that he cannot follow his dream and enjoy the same private education already experienced by his brother.

We are not a family on the breadline. Indeed, I am a professional and my wife works, too, so that we can enjoy the standard of living we have chosen — and that has included private education.

The introduction of VAT is something that will tip us over our budget and our children will no longer be able to enjoy that.


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