Her grandfather, Abraham Levy, had a younger brother called Louis.
Louis was married to Anne and they had seven children — Morris, butcher Solomon, Hyman, Sidney, Molly, Esther (later Malach) and Sophia (later Bold).
Abraham and Louis were the sons of Moses (later known as Morris) and Sprincy (nee Ornstein).
Email beverley.winkler@win-tech.co.uk
HELEN Manley is searching for descendants of Essie Clyne, who was born in Manchester around 1898 to Etty and Abraham.
She moved to America in the mid-1920s, working as a bookkeeper in Arlington, New York.
Email helenmanley57@gmail.com
ARLENE Grossberg, of South Africa, is trying to find Laura Mann, of Leeds, who was featured in Roots Directory in 2001.
Laura had spoken about her grandparents Malka Sugar and Jacob Grossberg. Arlene’s father was the grandson of Jacob, so she’d like to link Laura up with her relatives in South Africa.
She can be contacted at acgrossberg@hsrc.ac.as