“She died very young so I never met her,” Sheila said. “She also married outside the faith so none of her surviving family who I knew had any contact with her family.”
Leah, who lived in Leeds, died in the early-1940s. Her married name was Ashton.
Email sheila.dobson@yahoo.com or telephone 07974 180240.
TEL Aviv resident Uri Shilhav has spent two years searching for details about his great-uncle Avigdor Solomons, a former editor of the Jewish Gazette.
Avigdor was born in Russia in 1887 and emigrated to then-Palestine where he became a journalist in Jerusalem. In 1914, he emigrated to the UK, settling in Manchester.
He joined the Labour Corps and fought in the First World War. He was editor of the Manchester Jewish Gazette from 1939 until his death in 1958.
Email urishilhav@gmail.com or telephone +972-50-6233235.
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