
AMERICAN Roberta Eichenholz, who is currently living in Austria, wants to trace some of her grandmother's relatives that lived in the Cheetham area of Manchester.

Her grandmother's sister Gertude (Gietel) Joseph was married to Marks (Max) Cohen in the Holy Law Beth Aaron Synagogue on August 24, 1909. Her address on the marriage certificate is 44 Pimblett St. She believes Gertude and Marks lived at 71 Robert St after marriage.

They eventually moved to America and started a family in Brooklyn, New York. Their children were Hannah, Samuel, Fanny, Leon and Jack.

Roberta's great-aunt's other sister, who also lived in the area, was Henna Joseph and married Morris Barnett. Their children were Sophie, Esther, Louis, Ike and Benny. Louis married Ettie or Ellie Cosovski and had two children - Muriel and Jack, who was a Labour MP.

Another sister, Sarah Joseph, married Louis Cosovski, changing their name to Coss. They had three children - Sol, Bertha and Minnie.

Roberta's grandmother, Rachel Lena or Lena Rachel Joseph, married Abraham Marnowitz and moved to America.

Among her mother's relatives is a family called Smuzick.

Write to Franziskanerplatz 1 11A, Vienna, Austria or email

PHIL Harris of Australia is struggling to find any details about her paternal grandfather.

Mrs Harris, a Mancunian living in Australia for over 40 years, believes the problems lie in the fact her grandfather had such a common surname.

David Davis was from Wales. He was from a religious family and married Hannah Aaron in Manchester in the Great Synagogue in l891.

He disappeared in l898 leaving Hannah with four children - Mrs Harris's father being the eldest, aged five.

''All know about him is that his father was Woolfe Davis and the family were all in the wholesale stationery business somewhere originally in Wales,'' she writes. ''There must be descendants somewhere in the UK of this family. I don't know what happened to him - where he disappeared to or why or where he died and is buried.''

Write to PO Box 266, Elsternwick, Victoria, 3185 Australia or email

GLEN Eker of Ontario, Canada, is looking for anybody who has any information on Edalope Rosenzweig, born 1837 and married to Deborah, born 1852.

They had five children born in Romania and two girls Emily (1881) and Alice (1901) born in Manchester.

Glen is also looking for anyone with knowlege of Alter Strachman/Strathman, a widower with three children, who married Chava (Eva) Markowitz. They had two daughters, Devora (Dora), born 1899/1900, and Chaya (Clara), born 1903/1904.

The Strachmans lived in Manchester in the early 1900s, before emigrating to Canada in 1910.

Telephone 0161-740 6455 or email

MYRA Stark of Massachusetts is trying to trace her father's family - the Waldbaums.

Her grandfather, Joseph David, and grandmother, Golde, a Rosenberg from Holov, left Dmytrov, Galicia in the 1890s for Manchester.

They stayed in Manchester until they left for America in 1904.

In Manchester, from the birth certificates of their children, they lived in Cheetham, Strangeways and at 16 Adeline Street. Her grandfather's occupation was listed as a tailor/presser.

He was very religious and would have been connected with a synagogue.

One sister, Esther, stayed in Manchester and married a Waldman.

Myra's father, Irving Issac Waldbaum, was born in Manchester, but the family can't get hold of the birth certificate.

Write to Box 45, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts 02568 or email

GEORGE Marshall of Oregon is looking up ancestors in Yorkshire.

He has found the name Laban in his family as far back as 1828 and would like to know the significance behind the name.

Write to 2560 Agate Street, Eugene, OR 97403, USA or email

To make an appeal, email MIKE COHEN at Please include your home address.

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