SIMCHAS   4/10/13

Anthony falls for his California girl

Picture: David Baker

COURTNEY SIMON and Anthony Powsney were married at Sedgley Park Rugby Club by Heaton Park Hebrew Congregation's rabbi Daniel Walker.

California-born Courtney is the daughter of Maxine Simon, of Whitefield, and Lawrence Simon, of California.

She emigrated to the UK, where she met sales manager Anthony, the son of Pauline Partington, of Whitefield, and Martyn Powsney, also of Whitefield.

They were joined at the simcha by the bride's grandparents Monica and Eric Goldenfield and Gerald Harris.

The only bridesmaid was their daughter Khloe.

The couple, who were joined by family and friends from Las Vegas and California, have settled in Crumpsall and will honeymoon in the Netherlands.

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