SIMCHAS   2/5/14

Pray it again, Sam

Picture: Robert Clayton

SPORTY Sam Cohen celebrated his barmitzvah at the Higher Prestwich Hebrew Congregation.

The Manchester United fan, who plays football for Manchester Maccabi under-13 and also enjoys cricket and tennis, is the son of Joanne and Graeme Cohen, of Whitefield.

The King David High School pupil was joined by sister Leah, six.

Grandparents Adele Tray and Devorah and Stanley Cohen, all of Whitefield, as well as guests from America and Holland joined in the celebrations.

Tyler Xboxes clever

Picture: Danielle Sapherson

XBOX fan Tyler Killen celebrated his barmitzvah at Beth Hamidrash Hagadol Synagogue on Shabbat.

The Allerton High School pupil is the son of Simone and John Killen, of Moortown.

Tyler supports Leeds United and plays football for Leeds Maccabi.

Grandparents Shirley and Alan Brown, together with Maureen and Geoffrey Killen, all of Leeds, attended the simcha.

Tyler has a 14-year-old brother, Nathan.

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