AARON Taylor celebrated his barmitzvah at Glasgow Reform Synagogue.
Aaron, the son of Simon and Wendy TAYLOR, led much of the service.
A Mearns Castle High School pupil, Aaron enjoys debating and is in the school debating team.
He plays guitar and badminton and enjoys playing on the computer.
Helping Aaron celebrate his simcha, were brother Joel, 10, grandparents Braham and Aileen Taylor, Albert and Anne Sammeroff, Pearl Sammeroff, many relatives and friends.
Picture: Jez Dickson
SIMON LIPMAN and Nikki Fraser first met when they were both sweet
16. But they didn't get together until they moved to London 10 years
The happy couple were married by Rabbi Yitzhock Rubin at the Hillbark Hotel on the Wirral.
Teacher Nikki is the daughter of Lynne and Michael Fraser, of Bowdon, and Simon, a fashion photographer, is the son of Sandra and Mike Lipman, of Bury.
Best men were David Horwich and Martin Pojur. Bridesmaids were Hannah Gabel and Sophia Gold. Pageboys were Daniel Gabel and James Gold.
Joining in the celebrations was Nikki's grandfather Hymie Stross, as well as guests from Israel and America.
After a honeymoon in Thailand, the couple have settled in Hampstead, London.