SIMCHAS   21/4/11

Couple find love on gap year...

Picture: Blend Video

A MEETING in Israel seven years ago on their gap years led to love for Marguerite Cohen and Jonny Bunt.

The couple were married at the Renaissance Hotel, Manchester, by Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation's Rabbi Chaim Kanterovitz.

Marguerite, who works in market research, is the daughter of Carole and Robert Cohen, of Cheadle, while Jonny, who works in insurance, is the son of Karen and Philip Bunt, of London.

Best men were Daniel Scott and David Angel. Bridesmaids were Heidi Cohen, Isabelle Cohen, Charlotte Gozem, Shelley Harrod, Emily Cohen, Amy Zvibel and Ella Zvibel with pageboy Ben Cohen.

Joining in the celebrations were the bride's grandparents Helyn and Philip Orchant and the groom's grandmother Myrtle Bunt, as well as guests from Israel, America and Australia.

After a honeymoon in New York, the couple have settled in London.

Musical Phoebe

KEEN flautist Phoebe Arkwright celebrated her batmitzvah at the Manchester Reform Synagogue.

The Manchester High School for Girls' pupil, who also enjoys dancing, is the daughter of Isabel and Peter ArkwrighT, of Burnage.

Her father is shul president.

Joining in the celebrations were her paternal grandparents, Judith and Ken Arkwright, who flew in from Australia, as well as brother Philip, 17, and relatives from Germany.

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